Resources > Policy


Rule Zero

  • Don’t be on fire!


  • Use of the equipment at Build Brighton is entirely at your own risk
  • You must check equipment before use to ensure that it is safe.
  • Don’t use power tools unless you have had a workshop induction.
  • Some equipment such as the Lathes, Laser Cutter, Welder and CNC’s require a one time payment and/or an induction before use.
    • The one time payment is to cover maintenance and repairs.
  • Don't defeat or hack safety features such as guards, they are there for other people’s safety as much as yours.
  • Check the BBMS or signage for instructions first. If in doubt, ask.
  • Safety equipment is available in the workshop, please use it.
    • Obtain anything that you need for good practice.
  • Be aware of others in the space and any potential risks to them.
  • If you are not qualified or confident using a piece of equipment you should seek advice and information from other members of the group.
  • If you have an accident or injure yourself you must enter it in the accident book and notify the trustees ASAP.
  • Do not bring large quantities (more than 1 litre) of flammables into the space.
  • Do not bring flammable gas cylinders into the space at all, even if empty. They are a serious fire risk.
  • Label any containers of substances clearly, and put any hazardous substances (which must be labelled and in an suitable container) in the yellow COSHH cupboard.
  • Do not charge electric bikes or e-scooters in the space.

Making Decisions

  • If something is broken notify members via BuildBrighton´s Discord server and you are competent, fix it.
    • Consult other members if in any doubt.
    • If your doing something major, post on Discord first.
  • If you can't fix it label the equipment and post on Discord so that members are aware the tools is broken and therefore unavailable.
  • DO NOT try a repair unless you know what you are doing.


  • Clean and tidy up after yourself.
  • Return tools to their proper places.
  • Avoid monopolising tools for hours unless you have posted your plans on Discord first and there are no objections.
  • Sleeping at the space is forbidden.

Personal Items

  • Members can store personal items at the space provided they are kept in a BuildBrighton supplied plastic storage box labelled with your name on the member´s shelves.
  • Larger items can be left in the space for short periods but please remember space is very limited. You must post on Discord to get agreement first.
    • Such items must be be labelled with your name and the date they will be removed (Do Not Hack notice) - this is to indicate who owns them.
    • It is your responsibility to ensure your items are always labelled.
    • Items are left in the space at your own risk - we advise that you should not leave valuable items and there is the risk of theft.

Donating, Loaning and Borrowing Items

  • Before donating items please consider the usefulness, and post on Discord to get agreement especially for anything bulky.
  • We tend to accumulate a lot of junk and clutter so we do not want electronics 'for parts' and so on.
  • Do not remove tools and equipment from the space without prior approval from trustees.


  • Work benches and tables should be completely clear when leaving the space.
  • Please return tools and equipment to their homes.
  • Do not leave cables and hoses trailing on the floor.
  • Ensure you do not create trip hazards.
  • Clean up any oil spills immediately due to the slip hazard.
  • If you have created dust, swarf or other mess, please clean it up.
  • Place dirty plates, cups and cutlery in the dishwasher and start it up if necessary or wash them up by hand.
  • Remove food waste from the space please as it attracts vermin and will smell.
  • Please post on Discord any unlabelled property you find left out.
    • If you think something is not wanted, check on Discord before hacking.
  • If you find the space in a bad state please post a message on Discord but be prepared to do some cleaning or tidying.
  • Dust and mess creating activities should only be carried out in the wood or metal workshop.


  • If something is obviously trash please dispose of it.
  • If you think someone else might want what you're throwing out or you don't know if it belongs to someone else, please post on Discord.
  • If the bins are full, empty them into the big bins in the yard. Get help with this if necessary - the bins don't empty themselves!
  • No asbestos or flammable materials to be disposed of in the bins.


  • Do not use other parts of the building for working or to store items.
    • Toilets for member use are located inside the Freehold Terrace entrance and ground floor near yard entrance.
    • Spray booth on ground floor is not ours but is available for members to use.
    • Spray booth must be left clean and tidy.
  • Do not use power sockets outside of our area.
  • Do not go on the roof beyond the doors in the wood area. It is weak and easily damaged.
    • Exit to roof is not a fire exit.
  • When emptying bins in the yard, take a key as the doors will shut behind you.


  • Do not do anything illegal in the space.
  • Even if the internal door is open, please tap your RFID tag on the door reader.
  • Post to Discord if something:
    • breaks,
    • is faulty (ESPECIALLY if it is dangerous).
  • Unless a proposal has been passed by the membership, do not make changes to:
    • the space layout,
    • the paint scheme or finishes,
    • where tools are kept.
  • Respect our neighbours. We are situated in a residential area.
    • Avoid noisy work late at night.
    • Avoid noise in the street after 8 pm.
  • Respect other members.
    • Avoid noisy activities when there are events in the space such as open evenings, meetings and workshops.
  • If you are the last to leave the space, ensure:
    • doors to the roof are shut and locked,
    • lights are off,
    • fan is off,
    • internal door is shut.


  • Build Brighton is not liable for loss or damage to items left in the space.
    • Items left in the space are not covered by our insurance.
  • We do not provide professional advice
    • Build Brighton is not liable for any advice solicited by its members.

Updated March 2024